Spectral Press on G+

It’s a strange old world, isn’t it? Time was, when I started my first foray into publishing in 1990 ( a music ‘zine), that all communication was either done by way of the telephone or, especially in the case of overseas contacts, by handwritten letter. In the latter scenario, a ‘conversation’ could last months. Looking back, I’m surprised that we could manage to accomplish anything at all without foul-ups along the way (and, of course, there frequently were).  Despite that, I managed to sell the magazine across the world, even behind the then Iron Curtain. So, whetever else can be said about it, it did actually work…

Now, 21 years later, all that’s mostly been consigned to the history books. These days we have the ubiquitous desk-top computer and the internet with conveniences such as email and instant messaging, along with social media sites such as MySpace (although the less said about that the better), Facebook and now Google+. Until recently, the latter only had personal profiles but this week, I am glad to say, they’ve seen fit to add business pages. And all the above is a roundabout way of saying that, in order to keep up with the times (and somehow still remain hip, as ‘the kids’ are wont to say), Spectral Press has now got its own G+ Business Page, so all you Google Plusketeers, G-Plussers or whatever collective noun it is can now keep up-to-date on there as well. You can find the page here!

Would be good to see you there! And be sure to spread the love!

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