The Nine Deaths of Dr. Valentine: an Eloquent review

The Nine Deaths of Dr. Valentine cover image

Just a week until the official launch of the second Spectral Visions novella, The Nine Deaths of Dr. Valentine by John L. Probert, at this year’s gathering of writers, editors and publishers in Brighton at FantasyCon 2012. The reviews are now coming in regularly, and it is with great pleasure that we can announce the latest one from The Eloquent Page, the book review blog of one Pablocheesecake. This one had us smiling: if you want to know why, all you need do is click here.


Want to win a limited signed hardback copy of John L. Probert’s affectionately gruesome homage to the films of the late actor and horror icon Vincent Price, The Nine Deaths of Dr. Valentine? Then just answer the question below, set by the fiendish Mr. Probert himself, and you stand to win one of these coveted volumes along with some other great prizes (detailed below):

In the film THEATRE OF BLOOD, how many plays made up Edward Lionheart’s final season of Shakespeare?

THE PRIZESTop prize is a personally signed copy of the hardback, along with a poster of the front cover image (also signed), a paperback copy of Gary Fry’s The Respectable Face of Tyranny (signed), a set of posters of the covers of all the chapbooks published to date, and a Spectral badge.

Second and third prizes for the next two correct entries will be signed paperback copies of The Nine Deaths of Dr. Valentine, accompanied by a poster of the cover image (unsigned) and a Spectral badge.

Please your answers to the question to us here at Spectral Towers on spectralpress[AT]gmail[DOT]com, to arrive no later than the 30th September 2012 ( the deadline has been extended from the 24th). The winners will be notified via email after FantasyCon 2012 and your prizes will be despatched in the first week of October.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

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