A little self-indulgence

“Bibila Longcrofta” ©2015 Simon Marshall-Jones/Tickety Boo Press. Artwork ©2015 Jim Burns.

Remember a while back we told you that Spectral Press owner/editor-in-chief Simon Marshall-Jones would be having his debut collection of short stories published soon? Well, we can tell you that Biblia Longcrofta will be released into the multiverses on June 30th 2015 and that you can order copies if you so desire from HERE. In the meantime, feast your eyes on the splendiferous Jim Burns cover shown above….

“Biblia Longcrofta by Simon Marshall-Jones, publisher and editor at award-nominated Spectral Press, is a series of connected short fiction stories, semi-autobiographical in nature, set in the imaginary town of Longcroft. Although it has no precise geographical location in the ‘real’ world, nevertheless it is located somewhere on the northern coastline of Britain. It exists contemporaneously and separately in a different time stream from the rest of the world, the reasons for the split lost in the mists of time.

It is no ordinary town, however – here miracles happen on an everyday basis, and the numinous and marvellous sit side-by-side with the banal and mundane. Into this wonderland comes a tattooed stranger called Simeon, a man bored of his old life, but still unsure of what his place in the world is, who he is, and what purpose he has. Through a series of connected incidents, he comes to understand the world around him, and the person he is. Along the way he meets wonders and living myths and, through interacting with them, he finds his true destiny – however, it’s not what he was expecting nor what he would have chosen for himself.”

Simon will also be happy to sign copies for anyone who asks – we will have copies for sale here as well. Contact Simon at spectralpress[AT]gmail[DOT]com for payment details.